:::: THAT’S A WRAP MY OOBTers!! ::::   WELL…. WITH THE BOOK OF GENESIS ANYWAY! 🎉🎉🎉   Two books down (Genesis and Job) with only 64 more to go! We got this right?! LOL!   So we FINISH the book of Genesis today AND up next we’ll BEGIN Exodus. In the meantime, though, please tuck this truth in the back of your mind… We cannot cut the ties between the books of Genesis and Exodus. (More on that later… I promise!)   God Meant It for GOOD.   Joseph spoke these hard-earned words to be a guide for us in the hard times of life as well. In our own Hard Good stories. Life in those moments may not feel good, but we can stand in the truth and in the courage of heart, after reading Joseph’s story, that good is there. It doesn’t have to feel good to be good. Where God is, good is being worked. In our lives, in the lives of those around us, or all of the above even. We don’t have to see it. We can choose to believe it because we believe in God. Oh my.   How about you just listen in to hear more about our good God in the hard good found in our lives as well as the ways we must remember that flipping the page from the book of Genesis to Exodus is merely a continuation (400 years later) of the storyline we’ve been studying in Genesis. This is so so good my OOBTers!   For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/genesis-49-50/