Remember Egypt.   These two words seem to adequately sum up the beginning of our studies on today's episode of OOBT as we see God reminding the Israelites to remember their rescue … Oh gosh friends. What rescue or (if we're being honest) RESCUES, would God ask you to remember my OOBTers?   We’ve already seen God's rescue, His provision, and His loving relationship with the Israelites being formed WAY before He now prepares to give them rules to live by. Relationship over rules… guessing you have probably heard that saying before and, yep, we talk about that a bit today too.   And speaking of those rules, we also dive right on into the 10 Words otherwise known as the 10 Commandments. Well, you may be aware of the term and even one, five, or maybe all of them, but did you know that a survey showed that we are more likely to know the ingredients of a Big Mac than the 10 Commandments?! Ouch. Maybe you know that ad campaign? "Two All Beef Patties, Special Sauce, Lettuce, Cheese, Pickles, Onions on a Sesame Seed Bun."   Honestly though, even if that particular one’s not familiar, there are probably 1 million other ad campaigns to choose from that you could recall quickly if asked… Possibly more quickly than the 10 Commandments themselves. Today we lean into the 10 Words, God making His presence known to the Israelites on Mount Sinai, and that touching moment when we realize that Moses has come full circle with the promise God made to him at the burning bush. All that and so very much more in today’s episode. I hope you take a moment to tune in!   For the full episode show notes, please go to