Happiest of New Year's to all of you my OOBTers!    I’m so very glad to be back studying with you after a much needed break during the holiday season! However, I can assure you that I am now 100% ready to jump right into our studies as together we take a deeper dive into just who is this I AM referenced 6,519 times in the Old Testament alone. To revisit Moses’ conversation with our Mighty God at the burning bush and be reminded that God often chooses the most ordinary people (like Moses, myself, and possibly even you) to play a significant role in His unfolding story. Annnddd all of this leads us to a whole lot of talk in today’s episode about God’s cross-references as found throughout the Bible.   I’m just going to stop right here and say that if you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to go to today’s show notes or my post on socials to see the image of overlapping arc on top of overlapping arc. This graphic depicts the 63,779 cross-references in the Bible (places where what is mentioned in one part is mentioned in another). It is so amazing to see this visual when considering the fact Scripture was written by 40 authors over 1500 years on three different continents and all very much a part of the story…the plan… God is still working out to this very day. Honestly, don’t you think our God who has 63,779 cross references in Scripture is more than able to still be cross-referencing our lives with His plans today even? Let’s choose to trust Him more and more as we move into 2024, shall we?!   Oh friends, all this and so much more is found in this first episode of OOBT in this new year…many, many threads to pull and connections to the Christmas story, Exodus, Isaiah and so much more. Please don’t miss out on this one!   For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/gods-cross-references-and-i-ams-plans/