Law & Order. Anyone who knows me knows that ALL the Law & Order shows are my absolute favorites to watch… most specifically Olivia Benson and Law & Order SVU. 25 seasons and still going strong. So… yes… just in case you are wondering… the play on words in the title of this episode was 100% intentional! LOL!   Truthfully, though, it also directly relates to where we are headed in our studies today on OOBT. The 10 Words or 10 Commandments. The Book of the Covenant. So many examples of how God is using His laws to bring order.   And about those laws found in the Book of the Covenant… please know that while many of the laws we’re reading don’t sit well or don’t make any sense at all to us, we must remember that they are not written for us today. Instead, they are written for the Israelite culture as they were leaving slavery and the oppression of the Egyptians. The Israelites are newly freed from slavery and in a learning process.   trying to learn how to live not as slaves any longer but as a new nation how to live at peace with God and at peace with one another how to deal with issues of property rights, personal injury, and issues of justice how God is setting them apart from the nations surrounding them in very significant ways   Throughout this learning process, we see God so graciously not only provide the laws for order but actually give them detailed instructions as found in the Book of the Covenant of what these laws mean in everyday life for them at that time.   And please don’t miss out on the touching covenant ceremony between God and the Israelites during which they not only saw God, but they feasted with Him in the wilderness too. Can you even imagine my OOBTers? I can’t wait to study this and so much more with all of you!   For the full episode show notes, please go to