In session 21, "Bringing awareness to anxiety" we will discuss how mindfulness and brining awareness to our anxiety can help us address it before going down the rabbit hole of self inflicted suffering. This session will be helpful for any one with mild to severe anxiety, which is pretty much most of us. While there will always be stresses in life we have the most powerful choice in how we respond to stresses and address them before they become debilitating anxiety and stress. We'll look at Dr. Jud Brewer's new book 'Unwinding Anxiety' and how he has used mindfulness techniques to empower his patients to over come their anxiety and panic attacks by bringing nonjudgemental curiosity to what triggers them, allowing them to rewrite the habit loops that lead to anxiety. The session ends with Dustin leading practitioners through a RAIN meditation to calm anxiety and he shares his new poem, "Having tea with my anxiety", inspired by the RAIN meditation practice of allowing our anxiety to be present, while also not identifying with it, shining the light of awareness on our anxiety, to ultimately nurture and heal from it. 

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