Surviving Brain Cancer

Logan Sneed is a brain cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with a stage 4 Glioblastoma Brain Tumor March 26th, 2016. Furthermore, Logan has been through brain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Consequently, he’s grown in numerous ways mentally, physically, and emotionally. Also, Logan says the Ketogenic diet helped save his life. 

Logan proved his doctors wrong. Also, his MRI check in's have shown of the best results his doctors have ever seen. Listen and learn why Logan says, “Thank You Cancer”. Also learn about Logan’s success as an entrepreneur with two six figure businesses. By the way, Logan is 24 years old. His book, Thank You Cancer is a MUST read for anyone desiring to shape the worst thing that's ever happened to you into something amazing.


Episode Highlights:

First, Logan shares his story and how he learned about his cancer.  Then Logan talks about why he decided to find another doctor. After that, Logan describes his brain surgery and the results. Next Logan explains why he started the Keto Diet. Learn how Logan started his own online business and built it to 6 figures. Logan explains the heartbreak he felt when his girlfriend of 4 years broke up with him by text message.   Emily asks about Logan’s scar. Logan talks about his book and about overcoming and achieving the impossible. After that, Emily reads some excerpts from Logan’s book and discusses them with Logan.   Logan talks about the importance of focusing and working on ourselves.  The journey is about coming the best version of ourselves. Also, Logan’s book covers confidence, commitment, and doubt.  In other words, its not just for people dealing with cancer. Next, Emily asks Logan about his childhood and the influence his parents had on him. His parents didn't tell him what to do - they demonstrated it. Logan suggests we become an entrepreneur of our own lives. Then he talks about the challenges of starting his own business and his recommendations for entrepreneurs. Logan says he fears failure but he faces it.   Accountability and consistency are the things entrepreneurs need. Also persistence in the face of obstacles. Logan explains the Keto diet. Emily asks Logan if he meditates and if he has a morning routine. Finally - it always seems impossible until its done.


Resources Mentioned:

 Logan’s book "Thank You Cancer" Logan’s Youtube channel (Logan Sneed)   Logan’s website Emily Harman Soul Pajamas Onward: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube PodcastPress  



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