My guest, Brian Donato, is a dedicated father who’s passionate about purposeful parenting. Brian and his partner Mariam are raising their son Ace, born in June 2019. As such, his  #1 priority is family and being the greatest father he can be. 

Brian shares purposeful parenting perspectives through his YouTube channel. Furthermore, his aim is to empower and inspire parents to be intentional in their parenting, In addition, he encourages them to think deeply about internal character concepts. 

Brian’s philosophy is based on an inside to outside approach. Meaning he believes in focusing on instilling specific internal character traits in his son. This is as opposed to overly focusing on outside behavior. Furthermore, he believes that if Ace is raised to master certain character traits, his behaviors and outcomes will take care of themselves. Also, Brian’s mindset, life experiences, and Master’s degree in positive psychology, guide his approach.  

Finally, in this episode, we discuss overcoming adversity as well as living an authentic life. Brian is a young 27 years old and just starting on his content creation and fulfilling his overall purpose in life. He is wise beyond his years.


Episode Highlights:

First, Brian describes purposeful parenting in his own words. He wants to inspire people to think a little differently about parenting. Also, he encourages parents to focus on their child's character traits. Next, Emily asks for examples on how Brian focuses on character traits in raising his son. After sharing more thoughts on purposeful parenting, Brian talks about his YouTube channel. Then Brian explains how he knows his parenting strategy will work. Brian says “how you raise yourself is how you're going to raise your child.” After that, Emily and Brian talk about authenticity.  Brian wants his son to be his authentic self. Emily asks Brian what it means to him to be authentic. And Brian talks about his two main goals in life Emily asks how Brian became interested in authenticity and psychology. Then Brian shares his thoughts on overcoming adversity. After that, Emily asks Brian for advice for grandparents who may not agree with your parenting skills. Brian talks about the importance of putting children in challenging situations and giving them experiences so they can learn.   After that Brian talks about how he faces fear.  Finally, 2020 was a tough year for parents - prioritize your inner peace.  


Resources Mentioned:

Brian’s YouTube Page Podcast: Purposeful Parenting Period! Facebook: About Brian Donato LinkedIn: Brian Donato - LifeSet Specialist - Public Health Management Corporation Twitter: @briandonato32 Instagram: @briandonato32 Emily Harman Soul Pajamas Onward: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube PodcastPress

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