In this special coronavirus episode, Emily Harman, the host of Onward Podcast, interviews several past Onward Podcast guests to get their tips and insight on how we can be resilient and set ourselves up for success in these chaotic and uncertain times. We are more in control than we may think. Listen to this episodes and gain insight into how to bring calm and peace to yourself and your family. Look at this time as an opportunity to improve our wellness and self care practices. 


Resources Mentioned:

Special Guests and their past Onward Podcast episodes:


Paula Niera: Ever Onward - the Voyage of a Transgender Navy Woman

Shelby Forsythia: We Have Permission to Grieve 

Nicole Rivera: When Life Has Other Plans  

Matt Gersper: Happy Living: a Mission to Improve the Health and Well-being of the World, One Person at a Time 

3rd Rock Essentials mentioned by Matt Gersper

Anna Wilhelm and Chanielle Williams: Discussing Anxiety Out in the Open 

MaryEllen Ammons: Modern Medicine Woman 

Susie Petitt: A Simple Shift in Mindset Can Make a Huge Difference

Susie Pettit’s TV Interview

Paul Pettit: Your Job Is To Be You: How To Find Happiness 

Todd Kruder: A Journey Into and Out Of the Fog of Depression

Chris Parkison: Want to Break Bad Habits - Practice Yoga

Robin Finney: Follow Your Dreams - Even without a Solid Plan

Sheila Garner: Taking Care of a Stranger 

Sky Nelson-Isaacs: Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World 

Diane Fiellin -The Importance of Resourcefulness in Overcoming Adversity: published on 23 March 

Letter from the coronavirus mentioned by Sky Nelson-Isaacs

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