As I was mapping out and thinking through this episode — I wanted to be sure the content would be super helpful as you continue to navigate your way through the choppy waters that COVID has created for all of us.

Because what’s especially challenging about COVID actually isn’t just the uncertainty — it’s that the uncertainty…is a continuously moving target.

We’ve all seen so much ebb and flow to what is taking place — and because of that — your team, your clients, your audience, your vendors…all of your stakeholders…are looking for guidance. And…dare I say — they’re also looking for leadership. In fact — some are desperate for it.

Because of that — I invited bestseller author and leadership expert, Steve Farber to come back for an encore interview.

Steve and I are going to focus this conversation around how his Extreme Leadership principles can help you and your team navigate your way through COVID — or any crisis for that matter — and come roaring out the other side.

And what I love about Steve is he asks the tough questions — and those questions are asked out of love — but they also might make us squirm a bit in our seats.

And sometimes getting uncomfortable is the point.

Because here’s the reality, Onward Nation.

The data is clear…if you and your team double down and make progressive decisions…if you invest in the right areas while ensuring your operating as efficiently as possible…you will find the silver linings to COVID and you will come roaring out of this recession just like other companies have done after the last 6 recessions.

The silver linings are there — IF — we’re brave enough to look for them and courageous enough to step into them. All of which requires Extreme Leadership from you as the business owner.

That’s why Steve Farber is here.

What you will learn from this episode:

Steve shares what he means by Extreme Leadership Principles, and he shared why he named his methodology Extreme Leadership Why too often we use “leader” as a position title rather than a descriptive term for the person filling that role How the LEAP methodology powering Steve’s Extreme Leadership is composed of four principles: cultivate Love, generate Energy, inspire Audacity, and provide Proof How love, energy, audacity, and proof are invaluable leadership tools that can inspire your team to new levels of success Why the entire LEAP leadership framework is powered by the first principle of cultivating love first and foremost Why it is important to learn as much as we can from the challenges and changes brought about by the global pandemic and then to take bold, decisive action Why leaders demonstrating love by connecting with their teams during this difficult time is critical Why being open, reaching out and being a receptive listener can help you build profound relationships Why it is important to decide now what we want our businesses to look like five years from now in a post-pandemic world Why too often when the present becomes challenging, business leaders forget about preparing for the future


Website: Website: Love Is Just Damn Good Business by Steve Farber: Twitter: @stevefarber Facebook: LinkedIn:

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