Before he became a company president, John Robertson was a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force who oversaw an $8 billion program. Today he coaches C-level executives on how to take advantage of the coming future tsunami of artificial intelligence.

What you will learn from this episode:

How John’s career began with joining the Air Force after college, before progressing into the business world and real estate How the 1985 economic crash brought John’s business to a screeching halt and left him $2 million in debt with no way out How John came out of financial disaster through perseverance and intentionality, and how he now teaches others to prepare for the future Why John titled his book “Focus Forward Leadership” after realizing that business of all size often struggle to focus on future progress Why maintaining discipline and using quarterly meetings to map your plans for the future are critical steps you can take to stay focused Why business leaders often struggle to be clear in communicating exactly what their goals and expectations are and what results they are looking for John shares five key action items from his book “Focus Forward Leadership”, and he shares why these key action items will make a difference in your business How the numbers “4, 12, 365” are the keys to helping maintain your focus on your goals without getting distracted by the day-to-day Why consistency is vital for every role within your organization, from the CEO down to frontline employees


Website: Email: [email protected] Focus Forward Leadership by John Robertson: LinkedIn:

Additional Resources:

Sell With Authority by Drew McLellan and Stephen Woessner: Predictive ROI Free Resource Library: Stephen Woessner’s LinkedIn: