John Pollock doesn’t just talk about entrepreneurship he lives it. As the CEO of Financial Gravity, John has grown his business from the dining room table to a national organization of 25 employees and led his company to 700% growth in one year. John is also disrupting industry standards for the better. After seeing the lack of integrated advice for business owners across tax planning, financial services, and business strategy, he created the first national tax firm specifically designed to help entrepreneurs reduce their personal tax liability by an average of $21,000. He is also a frequent contributor to various media outlets, including Fox Radio Network, Forbes, and Amex OPEN Forum.

Secret – timesaving technique

John does a weekly clarity break once a week -- take time to review your week and plan your next week. ONWARD!

Daily habit that contributes to success

Show up before everyone else -- John gets a lot done before anyone else arrives at the office.

Could have ruined your business – but now – an invaluable learning experience

John had trouble trusting his instincts -- and John tells the whole story here.

Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful

"Discipline and focus -- it's easy to get sucked into the next thing."

Most influential lesson learned from a mentor

"Find a hole that you're really good at and drive a freight train through it."  

Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success”  What strategy would you recommend new business owners focus on to best ensure success? Focus on the one thing that is your unique genius Stop watching the news How best to connect with John: Free Book: Text "tax book" to 33444 Website: Twitter:
