John Bowen is co-founder of, a rapidly growing community of entrepreneurs dedicated to accelerating their success while making a difference in the world. Three days a week, he hosts the “Accelerating Entrepreneurial Success” podcast featuring revealing, in-depth interviews with today’s leading entrepreneurs. A lifelong entrepreneur himself, John is also founder and CEO of Financial Advisor Select, an organization dedicated to helping successful individuals and families make informed decisions by introducing them to top vetted financial advisors in their communities. He is also founder and CEO of CEG Worldwide, where he has helped hundreds of financial advisors build simple and elegant wealth management businesses that make them indispensable to the right affluent clients while improving their profitability and enhancing their lives.

Secret – timesaving technique

John uses Smartsheet -- you've got to be organized. ONWARD!

Daily habit that contributes to success

Have a plan -- John has two 90-minute sessions where he does specific tasks -- and those 90-minute sessions are set in stone.

Could have ruined your business – but now – an invaluable learning experience

John built an office building -- the stock market took a major downturn -- and John tells the whole story here.

Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful

"We all need to master marketing -- but we need to nail down that world-class experience first."

Most influential lesson learned from a mentor

"It's cheaper to hire the most expensive person."  

Final Round – “Breaking Down the Recipe for Success” What systems would you go back and put into place sooner?

I would have used technology much more efficiently.

What one strategy or “recipe” would compound into big wins for business owners?

Deliver a world-class client experience and really focus on the first 100 days.

What strategy would you recommend new business owners focus on to best ensure success? Focus on the client experience Pay yourself first How best to connect with John: Website:
