Randy and Cynthia Lail decided to tell Randy's story of being an SRA victor together because they became a team in healing years ago. They had been married for years and were fighting a sex addiction that Randy couldn't account for and couldn't get free of. Cynthia tried lining up with it, ignoring it, accepting it, and then just wanted Randy to get over it. He wanted to as well. When it was finally explained to Cynthia that healing just didn't work that way, she got on board and never looked back. Together they faced the demon and it opened the past of sra. In a fascinating part of this interview, Randy wants to share a horrendous triggering ritual. Cynthia jumps in to stop him because so many platforms do not want to hear that. She is protecting Randy and shielding him from being rejected, once again, from a society that just doesn't open it's heart to survivors. He tells the memory and after the interview, Cynthia asked me to take out the part of her pleading with him not to share it. I asked her to allow me to keep it in so that it can showcase how much spouses are in the middle of keeping their loved one safe from a harsh world. We need to be sensitive, not only to our precious survivors, but to our precious spouses and family as well who courageously shield survivors from this world. Cynthia is hero and I cannot express my pride in seeing her watch out for her husband. I very happily add Randy and Cynthia to our Victor's series. Their book, "Our Born Identity: How My Sexual Addiction Was Broken Through the Power of Jesus Christ" is available on Amazon.