A well requested episode covering how exactly we stick to the budgets we create? Following on from our previous episode around which common budgeting method might work for you, it makes sense to establish how we now stick to this budget until we have reached our goals. Guess what? It's easier than you think!

Episodes I mentioned:
Atomic HabitsFinancial Advisers 101Message me on insta!


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Want to achieve your financial goals?

My financial planner

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The OneUp Project is an educational platform that provides information that is general in nature. There may be opinions or an individuals experience within this resource that should not be considered as recommendations or personal advice. Everyone’s financial situation is so different and you must use the information within this resource at your own risk. Please complete your own due diligence before making any decisions based on the information in this resource. I am not a financial advisor and if you require expert advice please seek advice from a professional.