Tami Butcher grew up in sunny Arizona and currently lives there! She had a different childhood than others with a huge family! Tami is rewriting the story about divorce and having a relationship with step-parents! She believes that they are bonus parents and shares her positive experiences with that! Tami is a sister, mother, wife, entrepreneur, author, leader, and a bright light in the world! Tami speaks about her entrepreneur journey as she is a Presidential Purpose Partner with Think Goodness! Her family owns a restaurant chain in the US so she has been around successful businesses all her life! Tami has lived an extraordinary life filled with love and positivity! Recently Tami has donated her kidney to her cousin and talks about her experience and is raising awareness! Her life is busy but she enjoys all of it! More about what Tami discussed below! 


Topics Discussed:

- Great Childhood despite divorce

- Dealing with Divorce as a child 

- Bonus Mom and Dad not stepparents

- Family Life 

- Raised as a TomBoy (Positive relationship with Dad)

- Education Journey 

- Restaurant Industry in the USA

- Following your dreams

- Calling to help other women find their voice 

•Being your own boss

• Having Flexibility 

• Charities & Fundraising 

• Journey with Origami Owl & Think Goodness

• Entrepreneur spirit 

• Young entrepreneur program 

• Opportunity and Risk 

• Fear and Comfort zone 

• Leadership and Growth 

• Developing Team Culture 

• When you are with like-minded women… there is nothing that can stop you 

• Pillar of their relationship - Trust, loyalty, patients 

• Relationship advice

• Love Languages 

• Kidney Donor 

• Process and Mental strength with donating 

• Life after donating 

• Kidney Awareness 

• Lesson from having kids

• Always be authentically you! 

Check out Tami’s book My Bonus Mom! Taking the Step out of Stepmom and connect with her on Instagram

Connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, TIK TOK, and now YOUTUBE!!! You can now watch all the interviews on my youtube channel! If you have a story you would like to share with the world, reach out to me!

Sending love and joy your way!

Selina Novello