Episode 116 - OTT: How to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing in the Classroom with Natasha Nurse Clarke

Natasha Nurse Clarke has so much to share with us today! She talks about her past as a nurse and how it has prepared her for college-level teaching. She also reveals many methods to get her students to open up and get the creative juices flowing. She stresses the importance of getting students involved in class and how it can lead to a future passion for them. Whether you teach elementary or college, you don’t wanna miss this episode!

Meaningful Quotes:

There's a process to that, yeah, there's this whole kind of warming up the process and building rapport and getting to know each other. It's the same thing with teaching, you know, you have to first even before I get into all of my fun things, and activities and assignments, even before that you have to begin to build a relationship.

~Natasha Nurse Clarke

You have to build that rapport, you have to build those connections, or you're not gonna have time and kids won't do what you need them to do. 

~Natasha Nurse-Clarke

Okay, so that first step is trying to get them to make that connection with you, then you get them making connections with each other.

~Natasha Nurse Clarke

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Natasha Nure-Clarke

The Online Educator

WREN Mills Pear Approach

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