117: OTT: How Do We Start an Educational Rebellion in the Current System?

Isn't it time for an educational rebellion? Today I sit down with Dr. Yen Venverhoeven to talk about transcurricular STEM integration and we wind around to the most important topic of all- an educational rebellion. Come join the movement!

And I have to say this, teachers, you're not pawns in this game, no matter what the system tells you, you are the most highly trained and qualified players in that game. You are queens.

-Dr. Yen Verhoeven

The problem was stem and steam. The problem even thinking cross-curricular, is that we still have this assumption that science, technology, engineering, math, art, all of those subjects are subjects that can be tackled independently of each other. But the real-life situations and problems are not siloed into these subjects, right. The difficult problems that we face in our society now require a complex three-dimensional approach where and here's the difference in how We think about, like, how we approach things trans curricular.

Dr. Yen Verhoeven

When we look at a trans-curricular approach. It's about putting the skills in the center, the 21s- century skills in the center. And then from those skills, drawing upon what kinds of tools are going to be most appropriate in the service of solving a question or problem?

Dr. Yen Verhoeven

But in order to teach students how to learn anything, I'm going to say this, if you can teach them the skills to learn anything, anything at all, they will be able to accomplish everything that you give them.

Dr. Yen Verhoeven

Links Mentioned in the Show:

One Tired Teacher Episode 73: Distance Learning, STEM, and Educational Reform

Rebel Teachers Group on Facebook 

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