83: How to Engage Students Online and How to Ensure Equal Access 

Today I sit down with Brian from the dynamic duo Wise Guys. Brian and I talk about how to engage students while online with connections, games, fun technology, and more. We also have a great discussion about the importance of providing equal access to education for all students. I hope you will join us. 

Key Moments in the Show:

Kids aren't a test score. Kids are not based on assessments. Kids are creative. Kids are unique, and they need time to be able to have that. If you start a school year by just going full core, It's going to be disastrous. From day one, you're going to lose kids right away and the kids that are doing okay are going to be stressed out from the workload. And I really worry for districts that just want to go back and throw everything at students right away. That's not what they need right now. If you look at childhood trauma that's going on right now it is really increased significantly. And we need to be there for the whole child. Yes, academics are important. I think we all want our students to succeed. But in order to get there, you have to have that commitment to community and that commitment to caring. If you don't have caring and community,  you can't succeed. ~Brian Wiltgen

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Whole Teacher EclecticCon 2020




Online Scavenger Hunt

Distance Learning Bundle with 18 Resources

25 Culturally Responsive Teaching Cards

Oregon Trail Simulation

US Constitution Detectives

Wise Guys TPT Store

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