82: The Magic of Hands-On Integrated Units in the Classroom

Today I have a special guest Amy Mezni from Teaching Ideas 4U.  And we are going to talk all about the magic of hands-on integrated units. Hope you stick around. 

I met Amy because we both are presenting at Whole teacher Eclecticcon 2020, which takes place at the end of July. July 27 Is the start date. This conference is going to be an amazing experience. It is focused on the whole teacher and all parts of teaching.  We very often talk about focusing on the whole child, we now are focusing on the whole teacher so every part of teaching will be addressed. We can sit back in our pajamas or by the pool and really take in this intentional focused professional development. It's also available for a full year, so you don't have to listen to all 60 sessions at once. That's a lot of sessions! You can kind of pick and choose what is appropriate for you and what's going to motivate and inspire you before the new school year. You can then save a couple for the next month and have some throughout the school year. You can have professional development all year, that would be pretty cool, wouldn't it? So I hope that you will join us at Whole teacher EclecticCon 2020

Immediately upon enrollment, you will receive my free download of podcasting exit tickets for distance learning. So I'm really excited to offer that. Not to mention, you also receive over $125 worth of freebies when you register for  Whole teacher EclecticCon 2020. So that's really cool. It is a $38 training and basically, you more than triple your investment for the materials that you receive. So hopefully you will join us. So let's get on with the show. 

Links Mentioned in the Show:

Whole Teacher EclecticCon 20

Teaching Ideas 4U

Teaching Ideas 4U on TpT

Teaching Ideas 4U on Facebook

Teaching Ideas 4U on Instagram

The Teacher’s Lounge (A Facebook Group for Upper Elementary Teachers)

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