This Friday Food Cast is a special episode where David reflects on a year of living through the COVID-19  pandemic. He talks about the experiences two of his siblings had while fighting off COVID, the impacts it has had on his business, and what we can continue to do keep ourselves and others safe. 

 It's been just over a year since COVID shut down normal business as we knew it in 2019. David shares with us the similar stories of two if his siblings, one brother and one sister, who both had severe symptoms while they fended off COVID. Even months later they both still experience residual side effects. 

 After sharing his family members stories, David opens up about how the pandemic has changed his business, which has had to adjust to virtual client consults. Not only did David have to close the physical doors of TD Wellness, he also ended the office space lease, since we don't know when in person consults will pick back up again, and insurance is still covering telehealth, so why not keep ourselves and our clients safe.

 David ends with reminding us of a few ways to minimize our risk of exposure. Specifically reminding us to avoid the politics around COVID, to wear a mask, and get the vaccine when possible. This is about lives this is not about politics. We need to do what's right. We lost brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, cousins, friends, and coworkers.

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If you want to reach me, please go to One Small Bite podcast website at that link and leave me a 90sec or less audio message. Or, feel free to reach me at [email protected] I'd love to hear from you. 


Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul