This is the last episode of 2020 and the first episode of a new podcast mini-series. Over the next several weeks I will have 6 podcasts dedicated to interviewing other Intuitive Eating professionals about New Year’s resolutions. First, is my guest Erica Mouch, owner of Erica Mouch Nutrition. Her and I discuss ways to work your way through that New Year’s resolution mind trap.  

During this interview Erica shares her journey thus far, we discuss the importance of eating in line with one’s values, and she gives us some tips to avoid New Year resolution. One of my favorite parts of this interview is when Erica talks about how Intuitive eating is a self-affirming framework and how it takes a value based approach to health. Find out what “BMI” should stand for, what psychological oxygen is, and how vinyl records and cooking go hand in hand.   

Erica Mouch, RDN, CD is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Science from Eastern Michigan University and a Bachelor of the Arts in Psychology from Elon University. In the nutrition arena for over a decade, Erica advocates and practices from a Health At Every Size® lens in order to support people from all shapes and sizes in healing their relationship with food and their bodies. Erica is also a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.

When I'm not working with clients or in the kitchen, you'll find me on a mountain, on a walk or listening to vinyl records. In my spare time, I write a food and vinyl record pairing blog. Music is as central to my life as food and pairing these two together gives me great joy.

Have you heard about the new One Small Bite Facebook community? Come and join the great conversation and be a part of a community that’s chopping diet culture, asking thought provoking questions about Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size, and building positive relationships with food.

If you want to reach me, please go to One Small Bite podcast website at that link and leave me a 90sec or less audio message. Or, feel free to reach me at [email protected] I'd love to hear from you. 
Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul