This week David talks with Desmond Spann, a poet, creator, emcee, and educator based in the Portland area, about his Friday Reflections podcast and more. Desmond talks about his journey and the importance of words and writing as a means for expressing and experiencing emotions. One thing Desmond shares with us that really sticks out in this interview, is his view that you can train your emotions, not control your emotions. Encouraging us to be aware of how we feel in the moment and choosing to retell ourselves a more positive narrative, all with the intentions of moving away from the fear based culture we currently live it.

This is an interesting episode, filled with insight into what Desmond has done and is doing with his work. As always there’s close connection between food (or the emotions around food) and what David’s guests are doing. Desmond shares his One Small Bite- write everyday even if it is just one word and build on it to help facilitate more self-reflections. He suggests starting with a word to summarize the day, whatever feels right to you. Writing every day is something both Desmond and David do and they mention the positive impacts it has had in their lives, even being a reason each of them had the material to put together a book.

 A little about Desmond Spann:
In the face of rapid change, people are unsure of the world and doubt who we are. We realized we sheltered ourselves in the commutes to and from work. We stayed busy to hide our pain pretending everything was all good. Now that normal is gone, we are left with ourselves. We are left with our pain and we are strangers to ourselves.

As a Hip Hop poet, Desmond Spann creates poetry, music, and shares stories and insights to liberate our truth from fear. This truth may convince us of our inherit self-worth. This truth may show people how to create a society that systemically works for everyone. It's a truth that seeks to bring clarity and awakened our deepest sense of who we are. Because when we liberate ourselves from fear, we discover who we are. We act. We impact this world for the better.

Have you heard about the new One Small Bite Facebook community? Come and join the great conversation and be a part of a community that’s chopping diet culture, asking thought provoking questions about Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size, and building positive relationships with food.

If you want to reach me, please go to One Small Bite podcast website at that link and leave me a 90sec or less audio message. Or, feel free to reach me at [email protected] I'd love to hear from you. 
Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul