This week David interviews Kent Thomas, a social worker that focuses on body liberation coaching in Tacoma, WA. In this podcast David and Kent discuss difficult questions and thought provoking ideas around food, eating disorders, and body liberation. David asks Kent what body liberation is; They discuss queerness and Christianity, body shaming in the gay community, toxic masculinity, control, healthism, and homophobia and fatphobia in the church.

There is so much great content in this podcast! As David and Kent continue the conversation they talk about health fears and obsessions with health markers, as well as men and eating disorders. We hear Kent's personal journey with an eating disorder and how his self exploration has led him to re-centering himself and guided his career. 

Kent shares his One Small Bite to body liberation, he even gives us a bonus bite, lol. 1) Ponder where their ideas, beliefs, or rules about their body (and food) come from and who that serves. 2) focus on desire and what you want. Both of these tips promote what David has continued to say regularly throughout his 83 podcast episodes, stay curious!

A Little About Kent
 Kent Thomas, MSW is a social worker who focuses on body liberation coaching and is passionate about helping others find freedom and a greater sense of home in their bodies. He received his BA in Psychology from Western Washington University and Master of Social Work degree from the University of Washington, Tacoma. As a gay man, Kent is especially passionate about helping queer men heal and create a fat positive and inclusive gay community. In addition to Body Liberation Coaching, Kent is a community organizer who advocates for queer inclusion in religious spaces and helps individuals tell their stories and heal from religious trauma.

To get guest and additional links check out the One Small Bite website.

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If you want to reach me, please go to One Small Bite podcast website at that link and leave me a 90sec or less audio message. Or, feel free to reach me at [email protected] I'd love to hear from you. 

Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul