Hola amigos! Welcome back!

With so many of us seeking weight loss, why bother with intuitive eating? It is not a life hack to weight loss after all. Tune in to listen to how Faith broke up with diet culture and committed to her intuitive eating journey. 

Highlights of this episode:

Pillars of One Small Bite ApproachClient’s relationship to food and her bodyClient’s journey and outcomes Compassion and confidence 


Faith is a guest on this episode to share her experience as a client of David’s and her intuitive eating journey. Faith was stuck on diet rules and weight in her efforts to achieve health. Dissatisfied with her diet program, she stumbled into David’s door. What she found was less pre-occupation with food, variety, more self-compassion, and confidence to live her life with more joy. Faith broke up with diet culture, and you can too! 

Important Dates for David’s book, One Small Bite 

 Presales on Amazon.com nowApril 12 – book available on Kindle April 19 – book available in hardback and paperback

 Get Unstuck Class 

 Starts April 26th 2022. Registration is going up on the website in a few days. There will be an early bird special. Classes are on Zoom, so no travel necessary.

 Where do I go from here?

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Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Bite to start transforming your life.

Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!

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