On this episode of OSB David interviews Alissa Rumsey, author, dietitian, and intuitive eating counselor, about her new book Unapologetic Eating and more. Alissa shares how her relationship with food has transformed over the year and all things related to her new books. Her and David have a great conversation about Alissa’s four key elements to unapologetic eating.

 In the interview, Alissa speaks on her relationship with food and how that led her to pursuing becoming a dietitian. After moving to New York City for work after college, Alissa contributes her group of friends in helping her gain a more positive relationship with food. Eventually, she stumbled on to intuitive eating and fell into the “oh I can use this to help people lose weight” that many new to intuitive eating RDs think at first. After taking Evelyn Tribole’s training, Alissa felt like she couldn’t unlearn what she was just taught and has been working to break down weight centered care since. 

 Alissa says her book is meant to be a helpful tool for people to find their food freedom. While David and Alissa talk, she mentions that finding food freedom seems to help many of her pervious clients start questioning other aspects of life, leading them to become more intuitive in other areas of life. Alissa’s book was written with the intent to be both educational and relatable with reflection questions and prompts throughout. The book is set up into four elements: fixing, allowing, feeling, and growing. These are the stages Alissa talks about clients experiencing during their Intuitive Eating journey. 

 Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD, CDN, CSCS is a registered dietitian, nutrition therapist, certified intuitive eating counselor, and the author of Unapologetic Eating: Make Peace With Food and Transform Your Life. Alissa is passionate about advocating for women to reclaim the space to eat and live unapologetically. She is the founder of Alissa Rumsey Nutrition and Wellness, a weight-inclusive nutrition practice that offers virtual counseling and online programs to help people liberate themselves from dieting, cultivate a peaceful relationship to food and their bodies, and live a more authentic, connected life. Her expertise has been featured in hundreds of media outlets and she speaks regularly at events, online trainings, and conferences around the country. She calls New York City home and spends her free time exploring the city’s food scene and searching for patches of green space to sunbathe in.

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Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul