This episode is a first for me, I interview a husband and wife and it was so much fun! Julie DeLucca Collins, owner of Go Confidently Coaching and her husband Dan are my guests this week, and I discuss what it means to go confidently and so much more! Julie talks about her journey and starting her business. We take a bite out of how the quote “Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams” by Henry Thoreau, has impacted her life and career. Both Julie and Dan share their relationships with food (warning there is diet and weight talk around minute 29-35). We talk about interceptive awareness, reframing mindsets, mindfulness, and how spending time in the past can affect the now. 

 Julie DeLucca-Collins is the Founder and CEO of Go Confidently Coaching and the host of the popular Casa DeConfidence Podcast. Julie is a dreamer, a traveler, a visionary, an adventurer, a risk-taker, a loving wife, daughter, best auntie ever, and doggy momma. Julie has been a lover of books, activist, philanthropist, and, most of all, a supporter of women and their dreams. She has been a successful executive for 20 plus years. Julie started working with a life coach ten years ago and loved how it propelled her further into living a life she loves and had imagined. Her goal is to help others reimagine their life. She has extensive experience in leadership skills, Life Coaching, and a vast history of assisting people in finding success. Her individualized positivism approach helps identify and attain your goals. Julie holds coaching certifications as a Holistic Coach, Cognitive Behavioral Techniques Coach, and Mindfulness coach and meditation teacher certification. She is also certified as a Social Emotional Learning Facilitator and has completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification.

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If you want to reach me, please go to One Small Bite podcast website at that link and leave me a 90sec or less audio message. Or, feel free to reach me at [email protected] I'd love to hear from you. 

Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul