Do I have a great show for you today! I’m really excited to bring to you fellow registered dietitian and sports nutritionist Michael Raynor. He’s got a cool job! Michael specializes in sports nutrition and weight management and splits his time between counseling patients and performing metabolic and fitness tests for clients. Michael is passionate about helping athletes and nonathletes alike reach and sustain their peak performance and health. He wants to help guys break down the limiting beliefs they have surrounding food and nutrition to help them become the healthiest versions of themselves. Listen in as we talk about the variety of test he does with clients such as VO2max, lactate threshold, heart rate and pace zones testing, sweat tests, hydration and electrolyte testing, RMR (resting metabolic rate), as well metabolic testing for weight management. Really cool stuff. It’s like right out of one of those men’s fitness magazines or videos where you see the athlete connect with a face mask and tubes to a computer while on a stationary bike or treadmill. More importantly, like me, Michael also counsels clients, which is the critical and key part to enhancing people’s health. We talk about the various types of challenges he sees in men’s nutrition and fitness, and we get to chat a good bit about how small changes really make a lasting difference. I hope you this episode and that it sparks an interest in working with me to get your fitness and performance in tip-top shape. 

Oh, and by the way, if you liked this episode, well then stay tuned for more fantastic guests and experts in the fields of nutrition, food, fitness, and wellness. For now, head on over to Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google and hit subscribe so you’ll automatically get the latest episodes downloaded right to your device. And while you’re there please leave me a review in Apple Podcast and share my show with a friend. 

Or, if you have a nutrition or health topic you’d like me to cover, just leave me a message here. Let me know what you want to hear, what nutrition and wellness questions you want answered, or simply what you think of the show. I’d love to hear from you!  

Lastly, this show is brought to you by TD Wellness, my nutrition practice. We are offering 75% discounts on all virtual consults until the next couple of months. Click this link to find out more. 

Remember, all it takes is just One Small Bite at a time to transform your life so - Chop that diet mentality, Fuel your body, and Nourish your soul! Thanks!