Cooped up in the house like me? Social Distancing is single handedly going to save millions of lives, so you have to listen in to this episode where I give you the Top 10 Health Hacks that will keep our minds right during this crisis. If you’ve never worked from home you’re probably realizing it’s not as glamorous and easy as it sounds. Holly cow, if you have kids you’re probably starting to realize how underpaid teachers are. If you live alone, you’re probably realizing that sitting at a computer all day long with no one next to you can be both very isolating and lonely, even for the most introverted of us all! However, we have a blessing in disguise in this crisis. We have the opportunity to hit reboot and slow the heck down! You know that saying – slow down and smell the roses? Well, one of the single biggest challenges I see for so many people is how crazy busy our lives were before this crisis. We didn’t slow down for a minute, and now we have to slow down for a whole day! 


Join me as I count down the Top 10 health and nutrition ideas that can make working from home stellar like better sleep, creating structure and routine, and balancing meals. Listen in to the end because my NUMERO UNO hack is key in making the most out of your telework, telecommute, or tele-whatever we’re calling working from home. Listen in as I bring you great tips that can keep us sane as well as healthy. 


Hey man, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show, and keep the great feedback coming! Leave me a message here and let me know what you want to hear, what nutrition and wellness questions you want answered, or how to maximize and optimize your health. 


Lastly, I look forward to serving you more in future episodes! Remember, it just takes One Small Bite at a time to transform your life. Thanks!