Yup, it’s true. When blood sugars are not managed it affects our sex drive, our performance in bed, and may lead to erectile dysfunction. Listen in as my guest Jill Weisenberger shines the light on what diabetes is, the differences between pre-diabetes, type-2 diabetes, and type-1 diabetes, and how small changes can help us guys enhance our sex drive. 

Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND is an internationally recognized nutrition, diabetes and cardiometabolic health expert and certified health and wellness coach. She is the author of four books, including her two best-sellers: Prediabetes: A Complete Guide and Diabetes Weight Loss – Week by Week. Jill has worked as both a nutrition counselor and a diabetes educator in the hospital, research and private practice settings.

Jill is a panelist for the US News & World Report Best Diet Rankings. She is a two-time graduate of the University of Florida with an undergraduate degree in communications and a graduate degree in food science and human nutrition. She is an active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists and the American Diabetes Association.

If Jill’s not tethered to her computer or otherwise working, you might find her in the kitchen cooking up something nutritious and delicious. Other times she’s out jogging, kayaking, keeping up with her daughters, goofing off with her dog, or simply trying to sneak some quiet time with her husband. 

Lastly, I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you would like to hear, what are some of the challenges you’d like me to cover, and who you want to hear from. Leave me a message here and I can get an answer on future episode. 

Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Bite over time to transform your life, so let’s – Chop the diet mentality; Fuel your body; and Nourish your soul! I look forward to serving you soon!