In Episode 89, David shares insight into a Healthline article about very low carbohydrate diets (VLCD). Per usual in the Friday Food Cast, you hear what one of our interns, Victoria Pamee, has found when doing a deep dive into the articles referenced research. The article is "How to Lose Weight FAST with Science". It provides several different suggestions, primarily reducing refined carb intake, increased protein and vegetable intake, and move your body. The article Victoria looked into was focused on very low carbohydrate diets. The research she delved deep into specifically looked at weight loss in older adults on a VLCD. 

David references the 8 Red Flags of weight loss research comparing the previously mentioned article to societal expectations. As you listen, you hear how information about the diversity and amount of participants, how blinded the researchers were, outcomes, how the age group in question possesses a predisposition to weight changes, and much more.

This episode continues to help you critically look at general internet search articles from a weight-inclusive, anti-diet registered dietitian's perspective. We hope to help our listeners continue to deconstruct the weight centric approach to health

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