David interviews Abbey Griffith, the owner of Clarity Fitness a body positive fitness center in Decatur, Georgia. During this episode David and Abbey talk about what body positivity means, how Clarity Fitness came to be, and they have an open and honest conversation about their personal struggles with weight centric thinking. In this episode it is important to listen to the end (hint, hint).

As Abbey shares her story, she discusses some of her eating disorder treatment, her initial drivers to become a NASM certified trainer, how she found The Body Positive organization, the additional training her team at Clarity Fitness does, and talks about the importance of lived experiences and shared humanity. She and David discuss some of the shared struggles of being an entrepreneur during a pandemic and much more. 

This is a really great episode! Also, Clarity Fitness continues to have discounted memberships and free trials of their classes and gym. At the end Abbey shares with us a special One Small Bite discount code to use ON TOP of the current deals they have going on for both virtual and in person activities. Check out the One Small Bite home page for the code and links.

Abbey Griffith is a 24 year old female Body Positive Fitness Center owner out of Decatur, Georgia. She is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, and Eating Disorder Recoveree who has devoted her life to helping people of all ages, shapes, and sizes find a wellness routine they truly enjoy. Abbey sees the dangers that come from obsession in fitness and nourishment, and believes that it’s time for us to see our bodies in a positive and empowered way - regardless of the number on the scale.

For more show notes, guest links, and episode resources please check out the One Small Bite home page. 

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