OK folks, it’s finally here - the brand new 4th edition of the most authoritative book on anti-diets, Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach! Intuitive Eating is a classic bestseller, and definitely NOT one of those diet books! Intuitive Eating, is a way of eating that is in line with our values, helping us transform our relationship with food and free ourselves from the hamster-wheel of fad diet gimmicks and tricks, yo-yo dieting (also known as weight-cycling), and the barrage of fake-science-based nutrition programs designed to fail us over and over again. This episode is Part 1 of a two-part series where I have the privilege of interviewing co-author Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S. Elyse is a nutrition therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA, with close to forty years of experience specializing in eating disorders. She is a prominent health professional in the field of nutrition, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size. The best part is that I finally have both authors of Intuitive Eating on the show! If you haven’t yet listened to Episode 13 with co-author Evelyn Tribole, make sure to go over and take a listen! You’ll get to hear her perspectives and enjoy just a down-to-earth and just fun interview filled with nuggets of wisdom and information that will transform the way you eat. 

In this Part 1 Episode Elyse discusses topics such as:

Intuitive Eating Research and Science – over 125 research articles to dateElyse’s definition of IE – the dynamic interplay of instinct, emotion, and thoughtInteroceptive Awareness – the ability to hear and understand the body’s physiology The first 5 of the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating – newly revised order and namingSatisfaction – the core of Intuitive Eating

All this and so much more. That’s why you have to tune in for this insightful Part 1 interview and discover a new leaf on life, free from those extreme diets and crazy food rules that dominate our culture. And then keep listening, the following week we bring Part 2 with topics like 

Principles 6 through 10 – newly revised and updated with greater perspective Radical Acceptance – acceptance of ourselves through every cell in our bodyHoning our hunger and fullness cues - to enhance our health and well-being…And much more

Hope you enjoy the show, and I’d love to hear what you think. Feel free to hit me up on my social channels Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or feel free to message me at my website and let me know how’s it going. A little accountability goes a long way! 

If you like this episode, then download the show wherever you listen to podcasts Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google and hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss an episode. Feel free to let me know what nutrition or health topic you’d like me to cover or leave a review at Apple Podcast, or visit my website and leave me your comments there. 

Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Biteover time to transform your life

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