With the Coronavirus looming large, taking action to support your immune system is of upward importance now more than ever! Eating meals rich in immune-boosting foods that you’ll hear on this episode, as well as making sure to get adequate sleep, enough water, and moderate exercise is only going to help your chances at avoiding getting sick and keeping your immune system in tip top shape. Follow these 8 wellness tips to help fight the Coronavirus

Hey guys, during this scare we need to play it smart. We need to work with each other and help where we can. Start by downloading my FREE copy of 8 Wellness Tips to Help You Fight Coronavirus, start making those smart healthy habits, and let’s get ahead of this. 

Stay tuned for my next Friday Food Hack where I talk about testosterone and how your eating and health impact your levels. I’ll have some other great topics coming up as well, so remember to head on over to Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google and subscribe so you won’t miss an episode. 

And if you get a chance, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free let me know what nutrition or health topic you’d like me to cover by going Apple Podcast leaving me a review, or visit my website and leave me your comments there. I read every one of them. 

Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Biteover time to transform your life, so let’s – Chop the diet mentality; Fuel your body; and Nourish your soul! I look forward to serving you soon!