Hola amigos! Welcome back!

What if we allowed gratitude into our lives more? What could happen? David reflects on the year and has exciting announcements for what is new and upcoming. 

Highlights of this episode:

How Gratitude helps us Ways to Build Gratitude What’s next in 2022

Episode Summary: 

With COVID having another variant lose, please get yourself vaccinated if you can and have physical contact with close family and friends if you can. 

David tells his daughter to value and appreciate what you have. He wants to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. That means acknowledging how the little things can make big impact. What little things?

No one on their death bed says, I wish I had more time for those emails. Verbalize or write these little “gratitudes.” It may sound silly, but there are scientific, evidence-based, neurological reasons to do so! 

And this can apply to food. 


ON, Orozco Nutrition, Team, get it? ON team? We are ON it! We are committed to building community, starting cohort classes, and more episodes on how to cultivate and practice health in an anti-diet way.

We hope to have more guests on the podcast as well!

Last but not least, David is releasing a book in early 2022, please send him an email if you want to be in the launch team! 

Where do I go from here?

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Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Bite to start transforming your life.


Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!