Hola amigos! Welcome back!

In honor of Movember, tune in to learn how masculinity screws with men's health and what we can do about it! Masculinity damages men because masculinity is arbitrarily defined and trauma is marginalized. Through teaching emotional intelligence tools to men, masculinity could help men thrive instead of killing them. 

Highlights of this episode:

Behaviors of MasculinityMasculinity and Economic StagnationArbitrary Definitions of MasculinityHow Masculinity Lowers Men’s HealthHidden Trauma with MenImproving Men’s Health

Books Recommended: 

Tough Standard by Ronald F. Levant and Shana PryorSelf-Compassion by Dr. Kristin NeffEmotional Intelligence by Daniel ColemanThe Man that Wanted Me to Be by Jared Yates SextonIntuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

 Where do I go from here?

Listener Feedback Survey is still open!  Click here to give your feedback.  Four lucky participants will be randomly selected to receive a $25 gift card to Amazon.com!David’s book releases next year, hopefully February or March. It focuses on real clients, heroes and sheroes, that took one small bite towards their health that improved energy, mood, or sleep. The website has a sign-up sheet to launch a feedback group prior to publishing!

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