WOW folks! It’s Episode 30 and that’s a huge milestone in the podcasting world! First off, a HUGE THANK YOU to you for listening and being a part of my show!!! And in honor of this milestone I thought I get it going with a 30-DAY CHALLENGE!!!

For the next 30 Days, I challenge you to make one small change to your diet or health. It could be having a balanced breakfast, not snacking at night, journaling, or going for a walk 4 times a week. Whatever it is start with something small and pay attention to how you are taking care of yourself. Remember, it’s never too little if you’re consistent because it all adds up. This is how One Small Bite works! Track your progress and then let me know how it goes. Share your progress on my Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account to let me know how you did. Or, if you prefer a little more privacy then feel free to message me at my website. A little accountability goes a long way! And remember Just Do It! It’s a great marketing slogan because it really works! 


Secondly, having this podcast means the world to me because nutrition is just freakin’ awesome! I do this in honor of my parents – RIP – to help people get ahead of preventable diseases, and build a healthy relationship with food. This is where it all starts! This is why for this episode I went back and took some of that awesome feedback from listeners like you of how to apply One Small Bite in your day.

If you like this episode, then download my show wherever you listen to podcasts Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google and hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss an episode. And if you get a chance, feel free to let me know what nutrition or health topic you’d like me to cover by going to Apple Podcast, or visit my website and leave me your comments there. I read every one of them. 

Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Biteover time to transform your life, so let’s – Chop the diet mentality; Fuel your body; and Nourish your soul! 

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