In today’s episode, I’m taking you step by step through my exact process for creating vision boards that manifest more of what you want in your life and biz. It works so well, in fact, that you’re going to wonder why you didn’t start this way sooner. Now, I’m about to make a bold statement…⁠ Most people go about creating their vision boards entirely wrong. They’ll flip through a magazine, find some images they kinda like, and slap them on a board.⁠ But chances are, those images don’t quite resonate with you as DEEPLY as they should for them to be effective in raising your vibes, getting you really freakin’ excited about what you’re creating, and BECOMING the unstoppable force who takes massive action in her biz to make those visions a reality.⁠ And THAT’S exactly what we’re going for here, ladies. Like I tell my Future You clients, I want you to tap into that energy that gets you REAL excited. ⁠But how do you even go about doing that!? I’m here to tell you. You’ll be glad you have this ahead of the new year so you can start manifesting more profit and fulfillment into your life and biz asap!


Check out the show notes here!


I’m no stranger to putting off uncomfortable actions in my business. But I’ve found that the more excited I got about those actions, the easier they were to take, and the more results I’d see in my biz again and again. That’s yet another reason I like to tie images on my vision board to big goals in my biz. Because each time my brain tries to talk me out of it, one glance at my vision board and I’m realigned with what more money in my biz crates for me in my life. In other words, what I’m creating becomes WAY more important than the mindset gunk standing in my way. And I see the very same thing for my Future You clients again and again. If you’re ready to cultivate the mindset you need to feel good selling so you can land that first or next client and bring yourself even closer to the bigger vision you have for yourself, you’re absolutely going to LOVE my free Sincere Sales coaching call. Head over to and grab a spot for this powerful 30-minute session. I only do a few of these each week, so grab yours before it’s gone!

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