I think we can all agree that 2020 looks exactly nothing like we thought it would. Personally, I’m over here nodding vigorously and raising my hand. I certainly had no idea what the Universe had up its sleeve when I chose “FUN” as my guiding word this year. And yet despite all that life has thrown my way in the past 12 months, I can see that there were so. many. lessons. that I so deeply needed. (Even if they were served up in some less than ideal ways.) So today, I’m giving you the inside scoop and sharing what I’ve learned about having fun during this sh*t storm of a year. I’m letting you in on the key mindset shift that’s changed the way I show up in my life and business on a daily basis, what I’m bringing with me into 2021 (and what I’d rather leave behind) so you can apply this thought work to your business and start having more fun and consequently, making more money, too! You don't need to have “fun” as your guiding word to benefit massively from this episode.


Check out the show notes here!


I used to think that there was a way that I was “supposed” to sell (I’m using air quotes). Like if I didn’t say the exact right thing, in the exact right way, that there was no way that my sales calls could possibly convert. The thing is, thinking that way only piled on the pressure and made it that much harder to actually connect with the person I was trying to help. And I probably don’t have to tell you that connection is basically lighter fluid for sales, and without it, well, there isn’t much of a spark... That’s why shifting my mindset around sales changed absolutely everything for me, and why I’m so freaking passionate about helping you sell in a way that actually feels good so you can close more of them. If you’re someone who is afraid of coming across as too salesy, struggles to talk about what you do and how you can help, or heck, is even wondering HOW to get someone on a call to sell to—then you absolutely want to join me for my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call. Together we’ll get to the root of the biggest mindset challenge you have when it comes to selling (and shift it!) so you can start seeing more results like leads, clients, and money in the bank. I only do a few of these free sessions each week and have limited coaching spots available, so don’t sit on this—head over to amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales to grab a time that works for you!

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