I continue to change lives with this mindset shift—and no, I don’t consider that to be an exaggeration.

There is SO much societal programming that has our worth all sorts of tangled up with how hard we work (or struggle) on our way to success. 

Maybe it’s because we love to root for the underdog. Perhaps it’s that we get pulled in by a good rags-to-riches story. Or maybe it feels more valid if we think we’ve earned it with sweat and tears.

Whatever the reason, it can have you making business feel a heck of a lot harder than it has to be, which in turn, means making money feels a heck of a lot harder than it has to as well.

That’s why today’s episode is going to blow your mind, help you bring awareness to how this may be showing up for you, and shift this pattern ASAP—even if you’re someone who thinks this doesn’t apply to you!

(Plus, I’m gifting you something amazing that is going to help you sell on Instagram stories with more ease than ever before!)



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