In this Sales Secrets Series, I’m demystifying what it takes to make money in business so you can truly thrive. 

Today, I’m kicking off the series by helping you cultivate a strong mindset foundation—and of course, we’re starting with one of the most powerful mindset shifts for selling with integrity and ease. 

I think back and I remember groaning to my coach, “I just don’t want to be too salesy.” The truth was that I had a major mindset block around this.

Fast-forward five years and I can tell you that working through this fear was one of the most impactful mindset shifts I made in growing my coaching business from the ground up.

Not only that, but I learned to *gasp* actually love selling. I see it for my clients too. Once they ditch the ick and start to sell in a way that feels good, they begin to close more of them.

If you’re someone who has ever worried about being too pushy or too salesy, then today’s episode is a MUST listen that is going to help you shift this mindset block so you can make more Sincere Sales™ and grow your business.

Download the Simplified Mindset Practice here:

Book a free Sincere Sales coaching call here:

Check out the show notes here:

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