You might know that you need to be selling more than you are now, but the details of exactly how to do that may feel fuzzy.

Sure you’ve seen other people sell on stories, post graphics about their offer, and talk about it on repeat, but when it comes to doing the same… well, something just feels off.

You aren’t quite sure what to say or how to say it in a way that feels authentic to you AND leads to more clients and cash.

That’s exactly what I’m helping you shift your mindset around in today’s episode where I chat about how to appeal to emotional AND logical buyers—because the truth is that most of us weren’t ever taught to think about our offers in this way.

You’ll walk away with a different perspective that will help you to speak to what your ideal clients REALLY want and get them excited to buy.

(Plus, I’m gifting you something amazing that is going to help you sell on Instagram stories with more ease than ever before!)


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Check out the show notes here:

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