At the beginning of this year, I set a goal to workout with my Peloton app at least once a week for 52 weeks.

I had a shiny new Peloton tread that I hadn’t been using as much as I would have liked and I thought this would light a little fire under me to move my body more (and maybe even lose a bit of weight in the process)!

Fast forward a year, and I can hardly believe how quickly time flies and what a difference this has made in my overall mindset. It’s cultivated a whole new level of confidence that I never expected.

While on the surface this might not seem like it has a whole lot to to do with business, I’ve found that our mindset in one area generally translates to our mindset in another, and that was definitely the case here.

So today, I’m dishing out my biggest takeaway from my 52-week Peloton streak and how you can use this very same mindset shift to accomplish more of your goals in life AND business next year as you become Future You.

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Grab your Simplified Mindset Practice here:

Check out the show notes here:

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Resource mentioned in this episode: