Pop the champagne!! I just hit my next big revenue goal in my coaching business. I’m back from a lovely trip to Aspen with my hubby, where we celebrated my best month ever in the coaching business (and my birthday too!). And while the trip itself was amazing, I’m going to be real with you, hitting that revenue goal felt nothing like I thought it would. And while there’s some conversation around this in the online space, I always brushed it off in a sort of, “Yeah, that’s nice for them, but when I hit my goal it will be different” kind of way. So imagine my surprise when I actually did hit it and I actually didn't feel the feels like I had hoped. That’s why today, I’m giving you the inside look at what I WISH I had known before I hit my revenue goal so you can shift your mindset around this now (and get there far quicker with this perspective too!). If you’re someone who has been telling themselves that you can’t have what you want until you’re making more money or that you’ll be infinitely happier on the other side (thus keeping yourself stuck right where you're at) this episode is a must-listen!


Check out the show notes here!


I was reflecting back on the mindset shifts that have made the biggest difference for me as I’ve grown my coaching business and hit my next big revenue goal, and it’s probably no surprise that shifting my mindset around sales was a big one for me. In the beginning, I had no idea HOW to even sell. So much of the marketing in the online space touted showing up consistently, giving tips and tricks, and asking for the sale, and yet there was SO MUCH I was missing. It’s like that phrase, “you don’t even know what you don’t know.” But learning how to sell (like REALLY sell) in a way that felt good to me was an absolute game changer in my business, and I know that the same will be true for you. That’s why I offer a limited number of my free, 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls each week to support you in uncovering your biggest mindset challenge around sales and shifting it so you can close more of them. You’ll walk away from this call with one simple action you can take to start seeing more results in your biz. These calls are so much fun and people get incredible results from them, so be sure to grab yours at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales today!

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