WHY DO THEY HATE WOMEN? Trump, MAGA's and Mother's Day

The Stormy Daniels Cross-Examination and the E. Jean Carroll case continue to haunt me on this Mother's Day, 2024. 

Let's delve into a topic that has sparked much debate and curiosity—the significant number of women in America who voted for Donald Trump in the last Presidential Election. This trend is likely to continue in the upcoming election, but the question that lingers is: why?


The evidence is clear: Donald Trump is a woman-hater.

Look at the facts. But why, oh, why do his followers hate us as well, especially when many of his followers are our Sisters?

I lay out some of those Women-Hating Facts in this episode. Please Subscribe.


Clip from Cher's TV show, where the Goddess sings I am A W-O-M-A-N with Supreme Goddess Raquel Welsh.

One short audio clip of Helen Reddy singing "I am Woman, Hear me Roar." 

Listening to a wide range of Women Have Power songs to produce this podcast only made me all the sadder when I saw Women's Rights being trampled in Washington, at the Supreme Court, and at the Capitol. And across the country in State Legislatures. 

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