The "Time Magazine" article "How Far Trump Would Go," by Eric Cortellessa, begins like this: "Donald Trump thinks he's identified a critical mistake of his first term: He was too nice." 

The article is brilliantly written, and I would love it if it were a futuristic science fiction short story about a society gone miserably wrong. 

But sadly, we are living this real-life Trump Nightmare. Trump's Evil Plans to end the United States Democracy-Driven Republic and us are explained and outlined in multiple articles and posts.

The 'wanna-be Dictator' is not acting alone, but is being abetted by a network of hundreds of insiders, strategically positioned in every branch of government. This is a topic that warrants its own in-depth discussion in a future Podcast.

I quote from the "Time" article in this episode of Political Woman. Please Subscribe and follow me on TikTok and YouTube.