In a rare Saturday Session, the United States House of Representatives approved a $ 95 Billion Foreign Aid Bill that the Senate will vote on Tuesday.

The legislation provides military assistance for US allies around the world, including Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. 

There is one man responsible for the votes that happened on Saturday, Speaker Mike Johnson. A conservative, hard-line MAGA Republican who vowed never to bring Aid to Ukraine to the floor for a vote without legislation to address the US Border Mess. 

What's the story behind Mike Johnson's transformation? Where is the MAGA Mike we knew? In this episode of Political Woman, we delve into these questions, as it's evident that Speaker Johnson has undergone a significant change. 

“History judges us for what we do,” he told reporters at the Capitol last week. “This is a critical time right now. I could make a selfish decision and do something different. But I’m doing here what I believe to be the right thing. I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important.”