Donald Trump's Racism is nothing new. What is surprising is the people who are Applauding his openly-Racist Speeches.

The latest twist in this story is the Trump Campaign's Big Lie about Anti-White Racism. 

Trump is now promising to undo all Civil Rights Laws that were designed to help historically underserved communities. 

This is a quote from Axios: 

"Should former President Donald Trump be reelected this November, his administration plans to weaponize Civil Rights–era legislation against the historically underserved communities that they were intended to help,

A Trump spokesman says, if Trump wins a second term, “all staff, offices, and initiatives connected to Biden’s un-American policy will be immediately terminated.”

In this "Political Woman" episode, I look at recent and much older Racist comments from the wanna-be Dictator. There are so many, it was difficult to shorten the list. 

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