The number of people who will begin practicing a RELIGION is expected to increase in the coming years, according to a recent study. There is no study on the number of people who have FAITH. Faith is defined as having complete Trust and Confidence in someone or something. Now is a great time to have one or the other or both. Billions of people in the world practice one of the six religions listed below. It is amazing how beautiful the beliefs of these religions are.   Buddhism: "Live in the Present and Practice acceptance of others." Judaism: "Emphasis Moral Behavior and Action in this World." Islam: "Means Pease and submission, say a daily prayer, help those in poverty." Christianity: "Practice Charity, treat others as you would like to be treated yourself."  Think about how great the world would be if we did these things every day. Now is a good time to begin. 

Christianity: 2.1 billion.

Islam: 1.3 billion.

Hinduism:  900 million.

Buddhism:  376 million.

Sikhism: 23 million.

Judaism: 14 million

There are the articles I quote in this episode of One-On-One

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