I Beat Depression every day. Sometimes it isn't easy. But take it step-by-step. This is my plan. If you need help please see a doctor.

There is actually a name for what I once called my "Creepy Sunday Feeling. Researchers call it "The Sunday Scaries" and "Sunday Night Dread." It is an increased level of anxiety because Monday is a workday for most of us. There are ways to beat the Sunday Scaries and if the pandemic is creating more anxiety and depression for you those same solutions can help. Just don't despair. We are all in this together, and the sadness is usually temporary.

I quote many articles in this episode of "One-On-One." Here are some links and I have additional information on my website, gloriamoraga.com.

 The Washington Post


A third of American now show signs of clinical anxiety or depression, Census Bureau finds amid coronavirus pandemic




Kaiser Family Foundation
The Implications of COVID-19 for Mental Health and Substance Use


10 Natural Depression Treatments
