“You cannot resist what is authentic. You cannot resist what is purposeful. And as a customer, you want that — you want a piece of that in your life to give you a little bit of that feeling.  
And that is a new kind of marketing.”  

– Mory Fontanez, Founder & CEO of 822 Group 


Welcome to OnBrand! In this episode, host Sarah Grace McCandless speaks with Mory Fontanez, founder and CEO of 822 Group, about her method of guiding leaders toward a higher purpose, and how fostering strong, unified alignment leads to brands creating more meaningful connections with customers.  


What is your purpose as a leader? Have you ever stopped to think about it? Your purpose is your guiding light — a true north that will always show you the way home no matter how much the world changes. And when leaders act on their purpose, the results are always more meaningful — even at the customer-level — than any simple ad or sales pitch alone. 


But if you haven’t settled on a purpose yet, don’t worry! We have Mory here to help. She’s a purpose-driven professional who specializes in transforming leaders and organizations toward true alignment from the ground up. Following your purpose means much more than just changing up your marketing. 


“What I have become allergic to is seeing brands talk about purpose through marketing or PR. That’s not purpose. Purpose is not a marketing campaign. It’s about understanding, at a cellular level, leadership, workforce, and then customer — what is our purpose? — and then living that.” Mory explains. “People can feel it.”  


With her company, 822 Group, Mory has worked with a variety of clients in numerous industries, assisting leaders in their efforts to find their higher purpose and reconsider their companywide goals, values, and impact. In addition to leading the company, she also offers training courses on both LinkedIn Learning and on 822group.com.    


Join us and find out more about the power of purpose in this episode of OnBrand! 

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Mory Fontanez LinkedIn 

Mory Fontanez LinkedIn Learning Profile 

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822 Group Website